St. John Sea Salt

How sea salt forms

Our sea salt is a result of intense heat and ever present trade winds that cause evaporation in a shallow pond that is adjacent to the ocean. The sea water enters the pond during high tides and waves break over the small slip of land between the ocean and the pond. The salt pond is actually below sea level so the water stays put. The pond fills up during the fall and winter seasons and slowly evaporates in the dry, windy spring time. Water can only hold so much salt in solution so when the salinity of the pond reaches its limit, salt crystals form all along the edge. As favorable conditions persist, the crystals form thicker and extend towards the center of the pond.

The salt is especially tasty and contains all of the healthy minerals from the sea that are essential to the human body. Some local residents will actually go to Salt Pond to take sea salt baths. Sea salt baths have been known for their therapeutic and healing properties as well as their ability to ease stress and boost overall health. conditions have to be just right for this process to take place, therefore Salt Pond does not produce every year. If you are lucky enough to be around when the pond produces abundant amounts of salt, be sure to go experience yet another reason St. John is a magical island!

Processing the sea salt

The salt is put into mesh bags to drain. Next, dirt or debris that was collected during harvesting is removed. Then it is laid out in thin layers on trays to dry in the sun or oven as needed. Depending on where the salt was harvested, it may be small grains like you see in store bought salt, or in bigger crystalized chunks. These can be used to salt pots of water for cooking pasta or ground to use in cooking and baking.